Saturday, September 26, 2009

Signing off for now!

Well, we're off on our holiday tomorrow. The case is packed and the hotel is booke so we are getting quite excited.

I'm struggling with Bertie a bit, I find I can't eat much during the day but by evening I can manage quite well. The biggest problem I'm finding is that I am getting reflux at night which it something I've never suffered with. As soon as I lie down, I get an acidy sensation in my chest/throat. I'm going to try some Gaviscon to see whether that helps and when I get back from Ireland I am going to ring the bariatric nurse to get some advice.

My weight seems to have levelled off again so I think I might have to make more of an effort with my eating plan - I think I've taken Bertie a bit for granted. Still, my boyfriend could do with losing a bit of weight so perhaps we will have a bit of a health kick until Christmas!

Anyway, I'll sign off for now, will try to post more frequently during November - at least I have a shiney new computer, even if the mobile connection is frustratingly slow!!

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