Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Well, I'm not going to apologise again for the lack of posts!! I'm sure you realise by now that it is because I've had a rather hectic time.

I'm sitting down for five minutes, waiting for my boyfriend to come home from work. We will then be getting off to my parents for tonight, his parents tomorrow and then home here on Boxing Day.

Work has been horribly hectic and I have really struggled. I have been so tired and very emotional - if I hadn't know better, I would have thought I was pregnant but I'm not. I have decided to definitely put in a flexible working request to work from home, I've got all the paperwork to fill in over the holiday. If they don't agree, I will have to seriously consider finding a job nearer to home.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better now and hopefully the break will do me good, I'm not back in work until Wednesday.

The good news is that I've lost some weight, I have now broken the 3 stone barrier which is really thrilling for me.

So it just remains for me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! I hope to post again after the weekend.

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