Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am alive - but don't feel very lively!!

Yes, I am alive but not sure which way is up at the moment!

I can't believe I haven't posted for so long, the time is racing away with me and I can hardly believe that my wedding is only five weeks away.

It has been a tough few weeks as I haven't been sleeping properly for ages, I can't get off to sleep and when I do drop off, I wake up in the early hours - wide awake!!  I am totally exhausted. Hence, I've taken today and yesterday off work as I needed to rest and I am feeling lots better. 

The wedding plans are under control and my family in Australia are slowly starting to arrive in the UK which is brilliant.

I had the interview for the job two weeks ago and heard on Friday that I didn't get it - I was devastated as I thought it had gone very well.  Apparently there was another candidate who totally rocked them.  You never can tell, your interview may have gone really well (the feedback was that there was nothing for me to improve on, I was just beaten by a better candidate) but you don't know how anyone else has got on.

Lots to look forward to when I can muster the energy!

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