Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nervous breakdown anyone???

Where do I start?!!!

My stress levels are through the roof and I honestly don't know which way is up!
  1. I haven't managed to motivate myself to get on with my management report as hoped.
  2. My company is likely to be sold and although my job will probably stay, it will change significantly - may cause problems with completing item 1 on this list!
  3. I now need to decide whether I stay and continue to do the 50 mile round trip each day to work with people that, frankly, I don't like or do I take the bull by the horns and find another job nearer to home - may cause problems with completing item 1 on this list!!
  4. A 'friend' who is a wedding photographer 200 miles away, badgered me into letting her do my wedding photos. When I agreed, she wanted me to pay a £100 deposit to hold the date (which I have no problem with!!) but when I checked the price, not only was she not offering me any discount on her advertised prices, it was going to cost me two nights accommodation for her!!! I've declined but I hate things like that - I know people have to make a profit but I felt a bit exploited.
  5. The dog had to go into the vets last Friday for an operation to remove a lump on her side. She is fine but was clearly unhappy with me on the day as I'd taken her in - she was very clingy to my fiance when we picked her up, she has forgiven me now!!
  6. I managed to offend my mother last week with the anniversary card I sent them. It was a funny one but apparently she didn't see the funny side - oops! All forgiven now, I think!


On the plus side, I went to London on Saturday with a very dear friend who offered my lots of support! We had a lovely lunch, with a bottle of wine, and then went to see Oliver! which was brilliant. This dear friend has offered to arrange my Hen weekend for me next year which is really kind of her.

Anyone know of any jobs going where I can get paid shed loads of money for very little effort - ideally working from home? ... Thought not!!!!!

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