Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A bit upset ... but being silly really!!

I know, I know, things have been manic lately and I haven't had an evening to myself to be able to blog.

I'm feeling a bit upset tonight and I know I'm being daft! I've noticed that my engagement ring felt a bit rough around the setting recently and I was at the Mall where we bought it tonight so I took it in and asked them to check it out. Apparently, one of the claws has lifted and although the diamond was secure, it has had to be sent off to be tightened. It is going to be gone for at least a week, possibly 10 days - I feel so lost without it!

I've lost another pound - purely down to the manic life I'm living at the moment! I met up with a friend on Saturday who I haven't seen since the end of October - she could really see a difference, which gave me a boost!

We went to see the registrar on Monday to serve our notice of intent to marry - so formal and official!!! We get the official paperwork on 2nd June!


Colls said...

The same thing happened to my ring! I couldn't believe I would be without it for two weeks - crazy! Although, this was last year and we have been married for almost six years, so I am sure you a little more upset about it than I was! But, I really was sad! <3

Bandster said...

It is nice to know others have had the same experience! I've only had the ring 3 and a half months so I am going to be paranoid from now on that it will happen again!