Monday, May 3, 2010

Life is good!!

It doesn't really get much better than this, a bank holiday weekend with reasonably nice weather and Back to the Future on the telly!!

I've had a lovely weekend. Friday I spent at the hairdressers having my hair cut and coloured - no more grey for a few weeks!! We had a nice quiet evening in, just the two of us and an M&S Two Dine in for £10 dinner - can't beat that for value.

Then we had some friends over for dinner on Saturday evening, it was really relaxed and great fun. Their daughter is going to be my youngest bridesmaid, she will be three in July so will be just coming up to four when we get married.

We went to my fiance's great-aunt's 80th birthday yesterday, it was actually quite nice. I wore a dress and jacket that I bought for a wedding 8 years ago and I think it looked better on me yesterday than it did when I first wore it. The dress fitted beautifully and the jacket - I haven't worn them for years!! It's not often that I feel really great about my appearance but I felt fantastic yesterday and I know my fiance was proud to show me off which is always a lovely feeling. It was a lovely afternoon.

I'm now sitting watching TV with the dog curled up beside me, my fiance is at work and I've done the food shopping ready to cook him a tasty meal when he gets back - life is good!!

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