Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to normality ...

So the tree is gone, the cards are down and Christmas is over for another year ...

Well, it has been an interesting day! Back to work, what a rude awakening I got in the car and the temperature gauge was saying -6 degrees, I've never seen such a low reading. All the way to work it didn't get much higher than -3! It caused a problem as the washer jets had frozen over and my windscreen was filthy, I managed to get to work and fortunately they had defrosted sufficiently by the time I came to leave. Will have to see whether the promised snow will make an appearance.

I had a very interesting phone call this evening, from the gynaecologist in Bristol! We have had considerable trouble in getting the results of my boyfriend's sperm analysis - the one that was submitted in OCTOBER!!! We finally got the results from our GP the day before Christmas Eve and it was rather depressing as he told my boyfriend that he was only 25% fertile which made me think we were chasing an impossible dream. Anyway, the gynaecologist called tonight to apologise for the problems and she explained the results in much more detail and was able to correct the GPs incorrect interpretation. Basically, in a normal sample 85% of the sperm are abnormal and only 15% are normal - a bit weird if you ask me!! Anyway, in my boyfriend's sample only 3% were normal and the GP deduced that this meant he was only 25% fertile. What he did not take into account was that a normal sample is expected to 20million sperm per ml, whereas my boyfriend's sample had 87million per ml!!! So whilst his normal percentage was low this was compensated by the quantity produced. Overall, they expect a normal sample to have a mean average of 1.5million viable sperm per ml and my boyfriends was 1.1million which is not far short of normal. She went on to say that in her experience she believes a further analysis would produce a completely normal result.

She gave me some suggestions on treatments that could be helpful if we decided to go privately. I didn't mention my appointment next week but it gives me some options to discuss with them. She has also suggested a suitable website for information. So I am feeling much happier. It was really nice to talk to her, she was very friendly and approachable. My boyfriend was very chuffed when I told him as I think he was putting a brave face on it - you know what they are like about things like that!!

Anyway, that is a nice start to the year - not pregnant but the chance is still there, however slim!!

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