Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow watch ...

Well, it's been an interesting week! Much as I love the snow, I'll be glad to see the back of it. It is a long time since I can remember the snow staying around for so long, usually we have a few days and then it's gone. I couldn't get to work last Wednesday but managed to get in on Thursday and Friday although I needed to use a wheelchair to get to and from the car at work. This is against my feelings really but it is safer and means I don't get stressed at the thought of going in during the bad weather. I am now watching the snow come down again, wondering whether I will be able to get to work tomorrow - fingers crossed (but I'm not saying what I'm hoping for!!).

Work seems to be a bit better at the moment, I'm almost enjoying it! There is lots of change happening, more restructures but at least this time I'm watching rather than participating.

The weight is steady at the moment, I'm sure it will sort itself out soon.

I can't believe it is our third anniversary today, where did that time go. This time three years ago, my boyfriend and I were sat in a pizza restaurant being all polite to each other - how times change!!

Will try to keep up my posting targets but my boyfriend is off this week and then on earlies for two weeks so it is difficult to post without questions!!

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