Wednesday, May 6, 2009

D-Day - or rather G-Day!!

I am absolutely exhausted but thrilled as the gas connection has gone quite smoothly - so far!! My boyfriend kept worrying that they would not be able to lay the pipe where they planned and would not proceed but there were no issues at all and the pipe has been laid from the house to the boundary wall. They will connect it to the supply tomorrow. It is so clever, they have a machine that moles under the ground so there are only a few holes rather than a full trench.

It has been a full on day as we had the plasterer in doing various bits, the gas men and the bathroom fitter (who I feel has actually moved in now!!). It is really moving forward. Tomorrow we have everyone back again plus we have the plumber coming back to finish his work so it's going to be even busier - I'm going back to work for a rest!!

I can't stop smling - it is coming on in leaps and bounds now!!

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