Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where did the week go?

Well, it has been a very busy week!

I've had friends over on three days this week which has been lovely! Two of them hadn't seen the house before and loved it.

We also went car hunting on Wednesday. I have a car through the Motability leasing scheme and my current car goes back at the beginning of November so I have to order a new one three months in advance to ensure there are no gaps in the leasing. We had narrowed it down to a Passat or a BMW Three Series so went to test drive them both. The trouble was I preferred the Passat and my boyfriend preferred the BMW. So we ended up with a Volvo - not quite sure how that happened!! We both really liked it and it had the space of the Passat with the power of the BMW. It was so funny though because we turned up at the dealership at 4pm, we looked at the car and then the salesman offered us a test drive. He got us all settled in the car, which was brand new with a full tank of petrol and Sat Nav and then said I'll see you when you get back. He let us take this car on our own without asking for ID or even to see our driving licences!!

My parents got home from their holiday yesterday so we went to Heathrow to pick them up. It was so lovely to see them after such a long time. They are catching up on some sleep and will be coming over this afternoon to see the house.

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