Thursday, June 26, 2008

Guess what !!!

I stood on the scales this morning (I know, I couldn't help it!!!) and I jumped straight off again in shock!! They claim that I lost 3lbs in one day!!!! Liar!!!! I went and had my shower and sneaked back up on them 10 minutes later and they told the same lie - that can't be right, can it??

I have to admit, despite this success, I am struggling a bit with the diet regime. Its not that I don't like yoghurt or fromage frais but it just doesn't feel like food - if you know what I mean! I find I am grazing on them all day just to stop myself feeling hungry. I miss proper food!!!! It's okay at the moment as I'm busy at work but I'm dreading the weekend, I think it will be unbearable!! Perhaps I'll just stay in bed.

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