Monday, November 10, 2008

Mortified ...

Well, I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. The band has put me firmly in my place and caused me extreme embarrassment to boot!

To be honest, I've been cruising for this for some time. I haven't been feeling much restriction of late and was becoming a bit nonchalant about the whole band business. I was eating pretty much what I wanted and taking normal sized bites at that.

Tonight, my boyfriend and I went to see Quantum of Solace and then for a bite to eat afterwards. We went to TGI Friday's (not sure I can ever show my face there again!) as it was next to the cinema. Now, I was hungry before we got there and we did have to wait ages for our food which may have had an impact on events. I ordered chicken fingers and chips which I knew would probably fill me up quite quickly. When they finally arrived, I tucked in with gay abandon - foolish woman!! I managed one chicken finger before I knew I was in terrible trouble. It got stuck, I thought I would be okay if I could burp - usually that will ease things and I can continue. I was in total agony, I managed a few burps and thought it was going to pass but then the pain came back with a vengance and I became very scared. Unfortunately, we were just about as far from the toilets as you could get and I was scared that if I tried to get up and walk I would throw up everywhere. We were in a fairly quiet corner with not many people around (thank heavens for small mercies!) so I thought I'll just sit here and hope it passes. Fortunately, I had a napkin in my hand (and it was a decent strength one at that!!) because another burp came very quickly and, before I knew what was happening, I had brought up the food and a load of slime. Luckily, it went straight into the napkin and I don't think anyone on the nearby tables was any the wiser. I had a few more smaller napkin fulls before I was finished. I was mortified. Not only did I have to leave a virtually untouched plate of food but I had to leave a massive wad of slime filled napkins. Full marks to TGI's, the waiter was lovely and even took my food off the bill without asking - I was too mortified to admit what had caused it, although I did make it clear that it was me and not the food!

My boyfriend was an angel and didn't blink an eye. In fact, he drove me home - I was supposed to be dropping him off at the train station to go home.

Once again, the band reigns supreme and I have learnt a number of things:
  1. Make careful choices from the menu
  2. Always have a wad of good quality napkins to hand
  3. Chew, chew, chew and chew some more
  4. Always get a table near the toilets!
I've only just shifted the heavy feeling in my chest and I am beginning to feel hungry (everything I ate ended up in the napkin!) but I daren't touch a thing.

I realise I am going to have to show this band some more respect if I don't want to be banned from every restaurant in Bristol!!!

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