Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tired but very happy!!!

This will be a short post as I am very tired but I wanted to stop by and say hi!!

The weekend has been fantastic, Friday night went very well - I will post all about it in the week! It seems to have been a very long weekend, probably because I left work at 3pm on Friday and we had checked in to the hotel by 4.15. I'm going to avoid the scales for at least a week - they are not going to bring good news, I'm sure of that!

I've got a busy week lined up, I'm planning to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow night and Tuesday night, then on Thursday I have some friends coming over for pizza and Mamma Mia and I am going out for dinner on Friday night with my parents - my boyfriend is on lates so he can't come.

I'll try to post tomorrow night when I get home.

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