Thursday, November 13, 2008

Taking things cautiously!

Well, it has been a strange week, I have been careful about how much I have eaten and how I have eaten it. The restriction seems to have kicked back in - either that or I have learned to listen to it more carefully!

We went out to lunch at work today, I didn't realise until it was too late that we were sitting at the opposite end of the bar to the toilets and I was trapped in the corner!! We've just had a restructure at work and my new boss was taking us out so I definitely did not want to throw up on him!!! I ordered a fishcake as I know these tend to go down quite well. I managed to cope without throwing up although I couldn't eat the whole fishcake and I left about half of the chips - better that than chucking up on my new boss!

The scales are down a pound, slowly slowly!!!

I am one of a team manning the South West phone line for Children in Need tomorrow night - my company are providing the lines
, then I am in London on Saturday with a friend to see the Sound of Music. I'm really looking forward to the weekend - will tell you more about it in my next post but I'm not sure when that might be yet!

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