Friday, July 17, 2009

The multi-coloured abdomen!

I am developing some pretty impressive bruising on my tummy. I only noticed it today but they are big and very purple!

I spoke to my GP today, I was trying to make an appointment for Monday but the GP I wanted to see (who had originally referred me for the scan in January) wasn't available so he rang me at the end of surgery. I was concerned about going back to work and he assured me that I would not be ready yet (I kind of thought that but you always feel like you are somehow slacking!!), anyway he has signed me off for a further three weeks after this week. I was a bit shocked but I guess there was a lot going on behind the small incisions they made. I think it will do me good to rest up and recharge my batteries a bit as, aside from the op, I have had an extremely stressful year so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really glad the op went well.... lots of rest and weight loss for you now! Loads of love, Kerry x