Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Bertie

I cannot believe that Bertie is a year old today - where did that time go?!!!

He is my saviour and I love him very much! I have lost 2 and a half stone since he was put in which is not a massive amount by many standards but I have felt a massive difference in my mobility and I feel great. I am wearing trousers with confidence which I never thought would happen!

He has changed how I eat and taken away the worry I've had in the past. I know now if I put on a pound or two, Bertie will sort it out. For the first time in my life, I feel that I can eat 'normally'. Yes, there are certain foods I struggle with but not many. I just find I cannot eat huge portions. I've lost weight without being on a 'diet' which is very liberating!

I am thrilled to bits with him and I look forward to more years of weight loss.

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