Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love my band!!!!!!

I will post a full update later on but I just wanted to officially say that I love my band - now I know I will probably be cursing it good and proper in a few weeks (even days) time but right now I absolutely LOVE it!!!!

I got back from holiday late last night, stood on the scales this morning and I weigh exactly the same as I did the morning I left for Greece - how fab is that?!!!!!! I wasn't an angel either, I ate more or less what I wanted (I had chips most days for goodness sake!), I had a pudding each evening and I drank plenty of wine and vodka (not together!!). So I'm not sure how it happened, but I've checked the scales twice and they are adamant I weigh the same!

I do believe that one of the biggest differences is no fizzy drinks. Normally I would enjoy a beer at lunch time (sometimes even two) or I might have a fanta (not diet of course!) but I only drank water during the day. Also, I avoided bread most of the time. I really think these things have made a difference and I am absolutely delighted - I think it is a first for me to go on holiday and stay the same!

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