Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy day ...

I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, my voice is lovely and husky though!! I had already booked today off work as my car was being serviced so it was nice to have an extra day to recover - although I haven't been taking it easy!!!

I was up early as they were due to pick my car up between 9 and 11 and it is parked in the garage behind my house. My house is practically hidden from view on the main road, down a narrow lane, so at 8.45 I went to put it on my parents drive where it would be easier to find. Fortunately, as I got to the end of the lane they were just pulling up to collect it which was great timing!

Then a workman arrived to look at my garage door. It is an automatic roller one and for some reason had decided not to come down properly. The chap was lovely and did a brilliant job. All working fine again.

Then my Mum and I had agreed we would venture to the new shopping centre in Bristol - Cabot Circus. It was our first visit and we loved it. If anyone lives near Bristol and is going there I can highly recommend Carluccio's for lunch - the food is divine and the staff are excellent. They also have a deli which has the most amazing bread and cakes.

On the way home, we popped in to do some food shopping. I was in the dog food aisle when my boyfriend rang me, there was another woman in the aisle who only heard my side of the conversation and probably thinks I should be certified, it went like this:

"We've been to Cabot Circus this afternoon .... No, there weren't any clowns.... No, there weren't any tigers .... No, there weren't any elephants .... No, it isn't a very good circus"

She did give me a funny look!!!

My car was waiting for me when I got back and it had been cleaned inside and out - can't complain at that!!

I have stayed the same this week, weight-wise. This isn't too bad since for most of the week I was showing as having put on two pounds! I was chatting to my mum about it over lunch. There is a definite difference in what and how I eat now, for example we had bread and oil to start but I only had a little bit (waaaayyy to scared of bread these days!), I had lasagne for lunch and that was more than enough. Pre-band I would have wolfed down the bread and oil, scoffed my lasagne and felt cheated if I didn't have a pudding.

I'm toying with the idea of having another fill but I do have reasonably good restriction, I don't want it to go so tight that I can't eat anything and I know I can lose weight if I concentrate on what I'm eating. We agreed that I should leave it as it is for the time being and review it after Christmas. Then, if I want, I can have a fairly tight restriction for a few months and see how that goes.

I've really enjoyed my day today, back to work tomorrow but at least it's only for one day! Sounds like I hate my job - I don't, I'm just not feeling 100%!

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