Saturday, October 25, 2008

A wee bit naughty!

This makes me laugh a bit because it tells me how much I've come since getting my band!

My idea of being a wee bit naughty now is that I shared a portion of fish and chips with my mum last night - I mean SHARED, that was never in my vocabularly in relation to food before! Actually, when I say shared, I wouldn't say I had half even. It was enough, it took me quite a while to get it down and if I am being totally honest it did make me feel a wee bit queasy later on so I might not be so keen to try it again in a hurry. It was tasty though!

This is what I love so much about the band - I can have treats like that now and again but I can't go mad and stuff my face with them. Actually, I can go mad and stuff my face but it takes considerably less food to feel that my face has been stuffed and so I can't do so much damage!!

Another good thing with the band is that we ate at about 7pm last night and I'm still not hungry again, I thought about eating something earlier and I just couldn't face it yet.

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