Thursday, March 12, 2009

Need a duvet day!

It is just getting worse!!! I have had the day from hell today and I don't really see it getting any better!

My boss is now on holiday so I am responsible for the team which is okay. I have got the case from hell which is turning in to a massive can of worms. Basically, it started with one employee who had sent some inappropriate emails to external friends from his company email address (mind you, they are funny - there are some perks to my job!!), as a result it has highlighted a further 14 employees who have either started the email trail or have forwarded the emails so we now have to investigate them and they in turn could implicate further employees. The problem for me at the moment is keeping track of everything. For anyone who is interested, a clip the employee sent from their work email address and is likely to result in their dismissal (bear in mind emails contain the company brand and we are a financial services organisation!) can be found on You Tube if you search for "Durex - get it on" it is not exactly pornographic but please don't look if you are of a sensitive nature.

I am dreading going in tomorrow as I know I am going to have another full on day, although I am determined that I am going to leave early.

I saw a friend today who hadn't seen me for a little while, she knows about Bertie, but she said she could see a big difference - yay!!!

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