Monday, March 2, 2009

Aching bones already!!

I ache all over!!!

After having a rather frustrating weekend in some respects, I finally got down to the serious business of packing today and OMG I am in a panic - I don't think I am going to get everything done in time!

On Saturday, we spent the day at the house. My boyfriend's mother came over and scrubbed our kitchen for us - what a star!! I can now put all my kitchen stuff in the cupboards and they are lovely and clean. My boyfriend and I stripped wallpaper in one of the bedrooms. We then spent the evening with some friends before coming home to my house.

Yesterday, we went looking at bathrooms. Then, this morning, we were up before 7am! We went to get our bathroom planned, we have picked out our bathroom suite and the pieces for the en-suite. I'm disappointed that I won't be getting my whirlpool bath which I thought we'd agreed on but I am going to dig my heels in on getting a whizzy shower for the en-suite!! I dropped my boyfriend off at the station as he had to go home. I then had to go to the bank to close an account. I then had to go an do some bits and pieces at another bank and after that I came home and started sorting out my office. I can't believe that I have so much clutter and I've only lived here 4 years - I swore then that I wouldn't accumulate so much junk, that was a lesson well learnt then!! My poor shredder is about to give up and die!

I am now exhausted. I have hardly been able to eat as I am quite stressed so I'd better see some results this week!!

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