Thursday, April 23, 2009

How did it get to Thursday already?!!

Well, this week has just flashed past! I've been very busy (for a change!) and am now feeling very tired but it doesn't look like it is going to let up for a bit!

Work is okay, I wasn't well on Tuesday - same old problem with my lower abdomen. It was extremely fortunate that I had my appointment with the Gynaecologist in the afternoon. She was absolutely lovely. She doesn't think I have got endometriosis or if I have it is a very mild case - just as well, some of the symptoms she described were horrific. However, there is a cyst on my ovary and she has recommended a laparoscopy to have a look and try to take it away.

We also talked about us trying for a baby. She didn't fall off her chair laughing at us, which was a bonus!! She said there are women older than me (43) getting pregnant and although she could not promise it would happen there were things that could be done to help. So, when I have the laparoscopy she is going to check my tubes are not blocked at the same time. I'll be going in for this before the 21st July so that is great! She also examined me and found a cervical polyp which she removed, she said that it could have had an impact on my chances of conceiving. My poor boyfriend was so good, he has agreed to have the necessary tests as well - he wasn't expecting to have to answer questions about himself! I said to her that I didn't want to get too emotionally caught up in trying as that can make it difficult if it doesn't happen and she said - 'yes but you don't want to look back later and think you should have done more' - which is exactly what I was feeling.

I just have to find out what I need to do in terms of Bertie before the op - he'll have to be loosened I'm sure. I'm feeling much more positive about our chances of having a baby - so fingers crossed for us!

Our bathroom arrived yesterday - hurrah!! But they got the wrong shower tray - boo!! It was so nice to finally have the bathroom on site. The fitter came around and we put the furniture, shower tray and bath in place so that we could experiment with the layout. We now have a much better arrangement and he is going to start on Monday. We just need to get the tiles for the en-suite on the weekend and the correct shower tray which should arrive on Monday. It is so exciting!!

I'm off to London on Saturday with my friend. We're seeing a show, I'm not sure which one as she has arranged it and it is a surprise until we get on the train - it's a ritual we follow! I'm really looking forward to it, as I haven't seen her for ages and we have a lot of catching up to do!

My weight is looking good at the moment - nothing official but I think I've lost a few more pounds!

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