Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ouch!!!!!!! Thank God for frozen peas!

Now I know, I've been doing too much and need to take things a bit easier!

I had an horrendous day yesterday, I was up at 5.15am to get the 6.30am train to London with my boss for a training session. That all went fine but I was totally exhausted by the time I got home. So I decided to go upstairs and have a little nap, which is when I had a rather freakish and very unpleasant accident. Fortunately, I am staying with my parents and they were in otherwise things would have been a lot worse.

I got into my bedroom - which as I have already said in a previous post, was my bedroom as a teenager so I've spent a fair bit of time in it over the years with no problem!! Anyway, I decided to go to the bathroom and as I went to walk out of the room, I tripped. I was right by the door and I could see I didn't have much room to fall into. Somehow, as I fell, my hand got caught round the edge of the door as I headbutted it and I ended up on the floor with the door shut and my hand trapped in it. It hurt like hell and I could not free myself as the doors are old and the handles are quite high - well out of reach. My parents got me out and were quick with the frozen peas. My right index finger took the brunt but fortunately was not broken. It is now twice it's normal size, very bruised and painful but I'll live! I've also got a rather tender head!

I can't help but panic at what would have happened if my parents had been out or it had happened when I was on my own. I know an accident like this could happen to anyone but it does make me feel very vulnerable.

The problem is, I think I have been over doing it a bit recently - as you may have gathered by my lack of posting. Work has been very demanding and I have lots going on with the house. I just need to slow down and rest a bit. Nothing like a nasty accident to make you realise you've been pushing yourself too hard.

I don't plan to do much for the rest of the weekend and it is a short week at work. Time to catch up and recharge my batteries, I think!

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