Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You'd think I'd know by now....

Honestly, how long have I had this band now?????? I make it nine months so you'd think I'd know better but no .... I have to push it to the limit and end up throwing up outside my new house!

Actually, it was more a bit of a slime incident and, strictly speaking, it wasn't entirely my fault but I really should have known better!! It happened on Monday, we were busy on the house. We'd been shopping and my boyfriend went into the supermarket to get something for lunch. Bless him, he was repeating the mantra - no bread - I tend to go for wraps which aren't so doughy but he came out with ... cornish pasties! My face must have dropped when I saw them as I know these are the sorts of things that just won't go down anymore. Anyway, we got on with some more work and a bit later I felt hungry so I thought I'd give it a go. I gingerly nibbled on the edge (avoiding the plaited bit down the top), the first few bits went down fine so I thought 'game on' it's going down. Oh no,
about four bites went down but promptly got stuck and then I got the iron fist and then a few carrots came back up!!

You have to feel sorry for my poor parents!! They have been fully involved with all the hassle I've had with my house move and they are off to Australia on 1st June to visit my brother for two months for a nice break. Then my brother called today to announce that they've bought a new house, have sold theirs and are due to move just before or just after my parents arrive!!!! My poor parents are going to get caught up in it no matter what!

Back to work later this morning - deep joy!!

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