Friday, June 26, 2009

Crazy 24 hours!

Well, I'm sitting at home feeling rather tender after having another episode with my cyst. This was an extremely bad episode which ended up with me being admitted to hospital over night.

It all happened so quickly it was unbelieveable. I had a friend round for coffee earlier in the evening, she left at about 8.30 and I started to feel a bit uncomfortable and then felt clammy and sick and it quickly developed into an extremely painful episode. I phoned my boyfriend who was at home - 40 miles away! At first I said I would see how it went and then I rang him again 10 minutes later and he said he was on his way over. In the meantime, I called the out of hours GP. I had to wait for them to call me back. I was feeling very frightened and knew it would take my boyfriend 45 minutes to get here so I called some very close friends of the family who live 15 minutes away and have a key so they came over. The out of hours GP said they wanted me to come into the walk-in centre. By this time my boyfriend had arrived and he drove me to the walk in centre following our friends who knew the way - I have to mention here how I now hate speed bumps with a passion, every one of them caused me further agony! The doctor at the walk-in centre referred me straight to the hospital as she was concerned that the cyst had ruptured or twisted. By the time I got to the ward the worst of it was over but I was still feeling very sore. I didn't sleep a wink all night as it was so noisy. This morning they did another scan which showed the cyst was still intact so there was no need to bring my operation forward.

I feel much better but rather shell-shocked and still a bit tender. This was the worst episode I have had with the cyst so I am really glad that the operation is only two weeks away!

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