Monday, August 25, 2008

All back to normal!

After all my drama on Friday night, I am back to normal and fighting fit again!

My tummy was still a little upset on Saturday morning but that soon cleared up and I felt fine. I went out for an hour with my mum and we had some lunch. We shared a panini which was plenty to keep me satisfied without feeling too full. Later I travelled over to my boyfriend's house and we went to dinner at some friend's of his which was really nice. Fortunately, they did spag bol followed by trifle which went down a treat!!

On Sunday, I had a rasher of bacon in a bread roll and only just got it down! I then went to see some friends who were having a BBQ. I didn't really want much and in the end just had a sausage with a spoonful of coleslaw and a spoonful of pasta salad which was plenty. My friend had made some lovely puddings so I just had a smidgen of each to taste them! All I drank all day was tea - I am feeling my age!!! Mind you, that made up for the gallons of wine I drank the night before!

When I got back to my boyfriends (he'd been out with some of his friends separately!) I wasn't very hungry but he ordered a chinese takeaway. Normally, I would have ordered something too but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat it so I just had a few spoonfuls of his which was plenty - although he does like his food more spicy than I do!!!

Today, I woke up very eary and could feel that my band was tight so when I did get up I didn't have breakfast straight away. I had a nice cup of tea to try to loosen things up. I then had some weetabix. Other than that, all I've had is some Ritz crackers and homous and I don't feel hungry.

I'm beginning to realise that the band seems to even things out. If I have a day when I can eat more, the following day I don't need so much. I think I was able to eat quite a bit on Saturday because I didn't eat much on Thursday or Friday.

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