Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mixed feelings

I haven't posted for a few days because I've been feeling a bit down.

I'm not sure why really, I think it is a combination of being very tired and having lots going on at work. In addition to that, I'm not feeling so much restriction with the band and so have managed to eat quite a bit. I'm a bit disappointed in that because it is only two weeks since I had the fill and I expected to get quite a few weeks restriction from it.

I'm not sure whether I am just picking food that I know will go down easily or whether it is down to the band. When I had the fill, the nurse said it might not give me as much restriction as I would like so maybe that is why it seems to have reduced. My weight went up slightly over the last few days but is back down again now - that gets me down and I know it is my own fault for getting on the scales but at the moment I just can't seem to help myself. You can tell me till I'm blue in the face that it is about changing my attitude to food and I know that is what this battle is about but in reality I want to see results on the scales too!!!

I'll give it a couple of weeks but if I'm still not happy I will arrange for another fill. I'm beginning to feel that this is quite an emotional rollercoaster!

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