Friday, August 22, 2008

Poorly sick!

I've not had a very good day.

Last night I had another episode of low abdomen pain exactly like the one I had just before my op - see post on 30th June. At least I know that it was nothing to do with the yummy yoghurt diet! I was in quite a bit of pain so I laid on the bed and put my electric blanket on which seemed to ease it and I fell asleep.

Again, I was feeling tender this morning but I went in to work as normal because last time I had this I was fine after 24hrs. Not so this time! I was due to be on a conference call for two hours and I managed just 10 minutes and I was in a lot of pain. I had to leave the call and return to my desk. I took some Solpadol which was given to me on my discharge from hospital but little did I realise that it contains codeine which does not agree with me. The pain went but I ended up feeling really sick!

I couldn't stay at work and left at 1pm to come home. I managed to get an appointment with my doctor this afternoon but he wasn't able to shed any light on what is going on. Apparently, it doesn't fit into any normal pattern - that's just typical me!! If it happens again I will have to go for a pelvic scan.

I felt totally wiped out so I came up to bed at 6pm and fell asleep for 2.5 hours. I woke up feeling better but since then I have been sick twice which is really not good. Both times I have just brought up fluid as there is nothing in my stomach. I am a bit worried as being sick is really supposed to be avoided at all costs. My mum went to the local midnight pharmacist and got some anti-sickness tablets that the nurse recommended when I was in hospital and I've taken one of them - fingers crossed it does the trick!

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