Monday, August 4, 2008

Lovely weekend!

Well, I finally recovered from my over indulgence on Friday.

I phoned my boyfriend later on Saturday morning and proceeded to have a conversation with him, to which his reply to everything I said was "You told me that last night!" - whoops!! It is so weird for me, I enjoy a drink and have never been so drunk that I can't remember things but I can't remember anything about the conversation I had with him, only that I had one!!

I met two work colleagues for lunch on Saturday and weirdly, I was able to eat a dish of lasagne and some garlic bread - I think it is probably easier to eat minced meat than chicken but that is still weird!! I couldn't eat much else all day, I tried a little sandwich but it didn't go down very well at all. I know we are told to avoid fresh bread, but I have managed to eat some already and it was fine - I honestly think my band has suddenly woken up and realised it's actually meant to stop food going down so is now trying to make up for lost time!!

I have been quite nervous about eating since Friday and so I didn't eat much during the day yesterday, I did manage a roast dinner in the evening but I took it steady.

Today, my boyfriend met me for lunch and we went to the same pub I went to on Friday. I had salmon and broccoli fishcakes and they went down a treat - mind you, I did stop as soon as I felt full, no point in asking for trouble!

I'm looking forward to weighing on Wednesday, I'd better have lost something!!!

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