Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Same old chestnut!

No surprises on the weighing front today - I'd stayed the same AGAIN!!!

This is extremely frustrating as the day before I was down a pound and looked like it was heading towards another one then - bang - Wednesday comes around and I am back to where I was last week!

At the risk of being rather indelicate (those of a sensitive nature please look away now!) I seem to have fallen prey to a regular bout of constipation which tends to strike on a Wednesday - I'm not joking!!! It always seems that I am suffering when I weigh in first thing in the morning and then I manage to go during the day so my weight goes back down the following day. I know that this should really only matter on one week as if I have really lost weight it would show the following week but it honestly seems to be the case at the moment. At least I know I need this fill on Saturday - bring it on!

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