Friday, December 19, 2008

Another week over!

It's been a funny week! I finished work on Wednesday and was soooo glad to walk out at 3.30 (I absolutely love flexitime!!). My boyfriend was waiting for me when I got home and we had a nice cosy night in front of the telly.

It was his birthday yesterday, we had a cooked breakfast with my parents - Bertie would only let me have half a sausage, a spoon of baked beans, a rasher of bacon and half an egg (actually that sounds like quite a lot!!). Then we went for another viewing at the house with both our parents (who hadn't met before). We've got lots of ideas on what we want to do with the house - it is really exciting! I then took my dad shopping to get my mum's Christmas present. I'm so excited because we've got her a laptop which I know she is going to absolutely LOVE!!

Then we all went back to my boyfriend's parents as we were going out for an Indian meal. My parents are really not in to curry but they were brilliant and did their best! The meal was lovely and the parents seemed to get on well.

Today, my boyfriend and I spent some time shredding paperwork and clearing my attic room and then took a trip to the tip - it feels so great to de-clutter and good to do it before we move.

He's gone home tonight as he is going out with a mate for a Christmas drink and possibly another curry - glad we're not sharing a bed tonight!! He'll be back over tomorrow and we're out with the family for a Christmas meal on Sunday - PHEW, this Christmas lark is exhausting!!

My weight is a bit wobbly, looks like I've gone up a pound in the last day or so. I'm not worrying, it is Christmas, normally I would have been putting on loads of weight now so I will chill and see how things are afterwards. Bertie is so tight at the moment, I don't think it is likely that I will be able to do a lot of damage with food (the wine might be another matter though!!).

I will post again when I can!

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