Saturday, January 3, 2009

A quiet start to the year.

Nothing much to report. We had a quiet new year, which was lovely.

New Year's day was very quiet, my boyfriend was working and I caught up on some rest. We spent the evening with his friends having a meal and then were both in work yesterday.

I'm going over to his later as he is working this morning/afternoon and I expect we will have a quiet evening in.

The joint account for the mortgage has been opened, so things are moving along nicely. I am hoping that the survey will be done next week and once that is done, things should be able to move along quickly.

My weight is still a pound over my pre-Christmas weight but I am happy with that. Things have calmed down now so I expect it to come back down accordingly.

All in all, I'm feeling mellow and chilled out. That may all change in the weeks to come - I shall have to look back on this post to remember that life can be calm!!

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