Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Computers *?%*!$!

I'm back on line after 48 hours without an internet connection - you just don't realise how much you use the internet until it's gone!

Since my last post, I've managed to eat a bit more - which is fab! My current favourite is well mashed potato with a little bit of grated cheese mixed in - yummy!! I've also got to be a dab hand at making banana and honey smoothies which are really tasty! Tomorrow I can start trying to eat 'normal' food - I'm planning to have fish in cheese sauce with mashed potato - I'm tasting it already!

I was able to take my dressings off yesterday which did make me feel a bit sick! It was fine and the incision scars look amazing, I think it was just the thought that made me feel queasy.

I'm moving about quite well without any pain to really speak of. I do feel a little odd in the stomach area but I am putting that down to being aware of the band being in place and everything still being tender. It doesn't hurt but I feel a bit strange - if that makes sense! It feels like I've got a bit of indigestion but I've managed to start burping a little (sorry to be gross!) so hopefully that will pass.

All in all, I feel fine. The weight is coming off, as of this morning I've lost 11lbs in two weeks which is amazing. I know this will slow down but it's great to get such a good start. My secret goal is to get three stone off before Christmas (not so secret now!!) and it certainly looks as though that will be possible.

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