Saturday, July 5, 2008

Feeling more like me!

I'm feeling much more positive today - maybe because I've been able to eat a few morsels!! Actually it is probably more to do with the fact that I've been able to get out and about so I feel more like myself.

I managed to get quite a good night's sleep which I'm sure is also making a difference. I prefer to sleep on my side so it wasn't too comfortable having to sleep on my back but last night I managed to get comfortable on my side which was heavenly!!

I was awake at 8.15 because I have to inject myself with an anti-blood clotting drug once a day between 8 and 9am - not something I was anticipating having to do! It isn't too bad really, the needle is very fine so you hardly feel it although the drug really stings for a few moments when it goes in.

I was able to have a shower and wash my hair, which always makes you feel better.

I managed to go out for an hour or so which made me feel a bit brighter.

I have also managed to eat some food. I've had half a tin of tomato soup which tasted like nectar!!! I also had some instant porridge made with extra milk so it was quite runny and went down quite easily. I also managed half a pot of creamy pudding. I'm feeling a little hungry now so I may have a bit of jelly before I go to bed.

I feel a lot happier about having the band - I think the operation was a bit of a shock which made me feel less confident in my decision but now that everything is settling down my confidence is coming back.

I also checked the scales again (I'll stop soon but it is all so exciting at the moment) and I was down a further pound this morning - whohoo!!!

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