Thursday, July 10, 2008

Retail Therapy

I know it is a strange, female phenomenon, but retail therapy really does work!

I'm feeling much more like my old self today. I had a few hours shopping at the local mall with my mother. Unfortunately, I was shopping for presents for other people but it still made me feel better!

It was just nice to be out and about and not thinking about food or whether anything hurts! I was lucky in so much as I managed to find the things I needed quite easily which isn't always the case. I eyed up some new clothes. There is no point in buying anything at the moment but it was nice to think that soon I will be able to buy clothes in practically any of the shops - I haven't been able to do that for years!

I even managed to eat some lunch out, only a jacket potato but it made me feel 'normal'.

All the odd feelings seem to have disappeared and I no longer think I can feel the band in place. The only draw back at the moment is I seem to be able to burp for England (not very ladylike, I know!), I really hope that it's just a passing phase!!

I'm off to spend the weekend at my boyfriend's tomorrow so I probably won't be able to post again until Sunday/Monday.

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