Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nearly the weekend - yay!!

I know I've only done two days at work but I am whacked!!! I think it is the early mornings and I am a bit of a night owl - as you might have guessed if you've noticed the times I tend to blog!

Nothing much to report today, my weight seems to have stabilised and I am going to try to resist getting on the scales every morning now - I said try, cos I know what I'm like!!!

I think I might be a bit like the scarlett pimpernell for the next few days! I hope to post tomorrow night but then I am spending the weekend at my boyfriends, back on Sunday night and then packing to go away with work overnight on Monday. I'm in Lancashire on Monday and Tuesday , home Tuesday night and then Basingstoke on Wednesday. I'm going to be exhausted but at least I won't have time to think about food, let alone eat any!!!

So, if you don't hear from me, I haven't forgotten you!!!


tinayvette said...

I've been following your blog with great interest. Well done so far on coping with what I would describe as a trauma. lol.
I notice you say you are in Lancashire on Monday and Tuesday of next week. What part?
I live in Lancashire but its a big

Bandster said...

Hi Tina

Thanks for your interest - yes, certain parts of the process have been quite traumatic!! But I am definitely on the right side of it now!

I will be in Lytham next week, my company has an office there and that's where my boss is based. I was there in June and really liked it, so I am looking forward to going up! Whereabouts are you?

tinayvette said...

I live in Atherton which is very near Bolton.