Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mini victory!!

I had a mini victory yesterday in my battle with the bulge!

We went out for dinner with my cousin and his family. While we were deciding where to eat, I sat down on a chair outside a bar - this chair was one of those ones which have arms on them. Normally, I avoid these types of chairs as my thighs are so big they dig in which is not only painful but looks hideous! I'm sure you've guessed my victory ... I had no problem, I fitted in the chair without it digging in. I thought it was a fluke but we ended up eating al fresco (it got bloomin' cold as it got later!), the chairs were different but they also had arms and again I fitted in it without it digging in. So, whilst I might not be losing weight at a phenomenal rate, my body shape must be changing and to me that is more important.

I'm starting to wonder whether I need another fill, as I managed a full dish of lasagne and best part of a pudding last night. My boyfriend was amazed at what I managed to eat (and so was I!). I think it may have been partly due to me not eating much else all day and both courses were fairly soft so would go down quite easily. I've been panicking all day thinking I've pigged out - how times change! I'll see how things go, I haven't been terribly hungry today so have just had some crackers and philly. I'm doing roast chicken for dinner so I'll see how that goes. I'll keep you posted - as ever!

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