Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Semi Delirious!

First I must start by saying I am a few glasses of Pinot down so I apologise now if this post doesn't make any sense!!

It has been a busy old few days! I went back to work on Monday, it was actually nice to be back in routine - did I really say that?!! I got caught in horrible traffic on my way home so called into Sainsbury's to while away an hour or so! I ended up buying some clothes, including a pair of jeans! I tried them on when I got home and initially they didn't fit. However, I tried again later when I was calmer and although I had to inch them over my fat thighs they did go on and I got them done up (and was able to sit in them!!). I think they are too tight for me to feel comfortable wearing them in public but I was sat on my bed completely gobsmacked that I was actually wearing jeans for the first time in five years!!

Yesterday, we went to see the solicitor and went through all the details on the house purchase. We have set a provisional date of completion for 20th Feb, which is a week on Friday. So fingers crossed!!! We are both excited and panicked as it seemed suddenly a lot more real!!!

I'm sorry that my posting has been a bit erratic lately, I'd like to promise that it will improve but I have a horrible feeling that the next few weeks may be a bit hectic so please bear with me. I will post when I can and hopefully it will all return to normal once the move has been completed (which to be fair may take several months if we are going to get the work done that we need to - what on earth am I taking on?!!)

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